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Take advantage of the best price we'll ever have again.

Welcome to the Property Accelerator

Build A Scalable Property Portfolio By Refurbishing & Refinancing Property

Using Your Initial  Cash Investment







Also check with your accountant as this may be a tax deduction against your business or investments.


How To Buy, Refurb, Refinance, Rent & Repeat to Build a Scalable Property Portfolio

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Learn How to Build a Profitable Buy To Let Property Investment Portfolio

from Scratch!

Buy, Refurb, Refinance & Rent Property To Generate Another Income Stream


How to select your target investing area that has loads of great deals within your buying budget, while being accessible to your home and the potential to appreciate in value over time, while avoiding overwhelm.

How to focus your search and find appropriate investment properties to buy based on your budget in your target area.

How to find unmodernised "delta" properties that will make money so you avoid buying a dud.

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How to view properties in a structured way that enables you to recall all the detail and make quick decisions and learn from each viewing you attend

How to negotiate like a professional investor and improve the chances of getting your below market offer accepted so you can make money from day one.

How to find, hire and pay builders and trades the right way to avoid issues and keep them happy during the refurb.

How to accurately calculate the cost of the refurbishment so you don’t overspend and then add more in perceived value than actual cost.

How to ensure the property you buy will generate the right rental income before you buy and will be attractive to potential tenants.

How to be confident your property will refinance up at a value you can pull money back out so you can go again even if you already have a mortgage on it.


Here’s what you’ll learn

The program is focused on helping you transition from buying vanilla buy to let's, to buying delta properties that you can refurbish, refinance and rent out.

This powerful strategy allows you to manufacture your profits by buying specific delta residential properties below market value, refurbish them to the target tenants needs and then refinance it so it achieves the maximum after refurb valuation. By doing this you can recycle all or most of your initial cash investment into the next delta property while renting your newly refurbished property out to generate another income stream and hold it for long term wealth.

This property investing strategy allows you to start with a single deposit (e.g £40k) and build a property portfolio over time, to give you the security of an additional income stream, that has the capability of replacing your earned income.

Here’s a taste of the modules in the property accelerator program...

In Module 1 you'll learn why you need to switch to the new model of property investing and why the old model doesn't work.  You'll understand what to do to operate and follow the new model so you can be in the top 18% of property investors in the UK.

In Module 2 it's all about Finding Delta Properties based on your Desired Outcome aligned to your buying budget. This will open your mind to a strategic way to find delta properties efficiently so you'll have the capability, confidence and competence to become a strategic property investor.

In Module 3 we discuss your finances. You'll get super clear on what you can do and what you need to do, to get started with the right financial strategy to grow your property portfolio.

In Module 4 you'll be making offers. If you're not making offers, you're not making money!  This will cover the refurb formula, all the numbers on your delta deal and negotiation strategies that will save you time and money.  

In Module 5 with a delta property purchased, the focus moves on to the Refurbishment.  The Process, Principles and Profit Formulas you need to know with numerous cheat sheets, tools and workbooks to ensure you are able to create a repeatable system to minimise your risk and aggravation.

In Module 6 you'll learn how to refinance and rent out your property so you can realise the manufactured profits from the refurb and recycle some cash into the next deal. Renting the property will generate another income stream.







Course Outline

Module 1 - Laying the foundations

Module 2 - Finding a property

Module 3 - Your finances

Module 4 - Making offers

Module 5 - Refurbishing

Module 6 - Management

FREE BONUS: 12 Months Membership to the PIW Community

FAST-ACTION BONUS: This bonus is only available to founding members.  A limited number of founding member positions are available. 

The journey is hard, so don't do it alone. This is a private dedicated property investor membership community with no ads, available on your laptop, tablet or phone through an app and online.

Connect and grow with other like-minded property investors who "get it" and are truly invested in making the change with the property accelerator program. A property community where you can level up your skills, create impactful connections and achieve your property goals.

This will be a safe space to learn and explore the concepts of the property accelerator program with your peers, void of hate, hype, distractions, tyre-kickers and non-starters.

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  • Access to the Property Accelerator program

  • Peer-to-peer messaging with other members in the Property Investing Wealth (PIW) community

  • Live Workshops on highly requested content

  • Accountability partner matching

  • Member-only channels and community forums in the Accelerator Community

  • Access to Property Investing Wealth (PIW) member directory

Here's What You Get When You Order  The Property Accelerator Program Today!

Property Accelerator Masterclass


Refurbishment Costing System


The Refurb IDC Tracking System


Refurb Value Maximiser


Property Area, Viewing &

Inspection System


12 Month Access to PIW Community


Tried & Tested Templates, Workbooks & Scripts


1 on 1 Strategy Call With Stephen


Total Value £7,972+









What if there was a way you could download my property investing knowledge from my head so you can use it and profit from it...

Stephen Duncombe Desk

Property Investing was the way I was able to quit my day job and live a location independent lifestyle!

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Before you think "ahh, I don't have the cash right now to start my property investing portfolio..."

...remember I started from scratch

I started work at 13 as a golf caddy, getting up early on cold frosty Sunday mornings for £3! Then later that same day picking up litter at the local market, after it had closed for the day to bag a tenner. Thursdays after school, I delivered the local paper in the rain. It taught me the value of money early on in life and a value for my time. 🕒

While I went to Uni I worked out of term time at the local Pizza restaurant making pizzas and garlic bread for £3.10 per hour. I saved every penny I made. 💷

I worked hard to graduate from Durham University to get a "good job" 🧑🏽‍💼 in IT at 21 in London! I thought this is how people made their money!

I saved hard, delaying gratification to have enough money for a deposit and eventually bought my first investment property 🏠 at 23. It was positive cash flow in North London and I was hooked!

Over the next few years I was able to build a million pound property portfolio by the time I was 28. 📈

I went on to buy residential and commercial property in Australia and the US that allowed me to quit my day job 👋 and focus on my own business and property investments full time.


How To Buy, Refurb, Refinance, Rent & Repeat to Build a Scalable Property Portfolio





So you see, I'm just like you...

If I can do it, so can you! 👊

...You don't need lot's of money to start, but you'll need to have the ability to save up and learn how to buy the right property to maximise the money you get back, while minimising your risk and aggravation.

If you want to learn how to invest in property that allowed me to become financially free and quit my day job, then this program is for you.

How long it takes is entirely up to you, if you want something enough, it was happen. I didn't give up on my dreams while I was working a full time job and neither should you.


Abundance Mindset

I believe in an abundance mindset, which is why I share what I've learned over the years on my YouTube channel and try and give a lot of value in every video I produce.

I made the decision to help as many people as possible at the best price I could offer, so as many people as possible would be able to start, or grow their property investing portolfio.

There are over 2.8 million landlords in Britain and 43% of them own only 1 property! A further 39% of landlords own between 2 and 4 properties.  Leaving only 18% of landlords owning 5 or more properties. 🏘️

This program is all about helping you get into that top 18% of landlords. 🚀

For me Property Investing is the solution if you want to generate wealth and a legacy for you and your family.

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Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee & Money-Back Promise

We want the investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer for you - if you’re actually going to do the work 😉

“Do the work” technically involves completing the core modules. If you’ve done that and for whatever reason aren’t 100% happy with your experience, drop us an email (within 30 days of purchasing the course) and we’ll happily refund your entire payment.

However, please note that the money-back guarantee only applies if you’ve completed the entire course and included your reason for the cancellation in the email.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Will I Have Access For?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.  The community is for 12 months.

Will The Price Increase?

Yes, this course is unique as it's now being offered to the initial cohort of founding members of the Property Accelerator program. This means when the founding member offer expires, the price will go up. I recommend you lock in the pricing now before it increases. You'll get ongoing access and new lessons for free as they are added to the program.

There won't be a better time to join than now!


How To Buy, Refurb, Refinance, Rent & Repeat to Build a Scalable Property Portfolio





Need a Hand?

Still Not Sure?

Drop us an email at

If you’ve got any questions about the course, or need a hand with anything else, we’re just an email away.
Drop us a line and we’ll do our best to help 😊

I am not an accountant, solicitor or financial advisor and the information in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, or financial advice. If you need such advice, please contact a qualified accountant, solicitor or financial advisor.

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