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Property UpLevel

A Complete Data-Driven System to Buy Tenanted Commercial Property to Make the Most Money,
in the Quickest Time, with the
Least Amount of Risk and Aggravation.

Tenanted Commercial Property can completely change your life - it changed mine

If we've not met before, hi, my name's Stephen 👋

I’ve been investing in property since 1997, and buying tenanted commercial property since 2013 of various types, such as flex space office warehouses, industrial warehouses, retail shops with uppers and office blocks in the UK and US.​

I’ve bought them using creative strategies such as seller finance, as well as traditional ways with all cash and using a mortgage.  I know what works and what doesn't, because I've been there in all market cycles.


If you're already a property investor, especially one that's been doing it for over five years, you'll be well aware of the constant legislation changes that have impacted the private rented sector, and likely kept you wondering if this property investing lark is really what it's all cracked up to be!

No doubt you've thought, there must be a better way to make money with a lot less hassle and a lot less aggravation! That aggravation just seems to compound year on year, with the only saving grace right now for investors is that tenant demand is good, and rents have been rising! 


But, can that be sustained because whenever you start to get ahead, the government invent a new way to pull everyday landlords back down.  I'm sure you already know that commercial property is treated differently to BTL, HMO and Serviced Accommodation.  

Here's What You Might Not Know

Commercial Property is as Affordable as a BTL

You can buy certain types of tenanted commercial property using the same amount of leverage from a lender as you can from a buy to let property.  This means for the average investor buying tenanted commercial property, you only need the same deposit amount.

Get Rid of High Aggravation Investing

Certain tenanted commercial properties allow you to remove all the tenant questions and on-going hassle of maintenance and repairs, including all the day-to-day management of the property.  This helps you achieve an extremely low level of aggravation, coupled with lowering your exposure to these types of risks.

Lock-In A Low Risk Multi-Year Income Stream

Buying the right tenanted commercial property will help you achieve high cash flow returns for a lifetime. This generates a predictable passive income stream for years, instead of 6 months to 12 months like an AST would.

Gross Rent = Net Rent You Get In Your Bank Account

Unlike residential properties that see the gross rent eroded every month from all the additional expenses you have to shell out.  With certain tenanted commercial properties the gross rent you receive is the net rent you get to keep. This delivers superior cash flow returns and beats any type of residential strategy, such as BTL, HMO's or SA.

They Don't Need To Be Close To Home

It's rare you'll need to visit your tenanted commercial property​. Hence, you can look in any part of the country that makes a sound investment.

It's Super Passive - Like... "The 4-Hour Work Year"

Buying the right tenanted commercial property will be like a breath of fresh air!  You'll wonder why you bothered with residential property, when you could've been buying tenanted commercial property that operates on auto pilot for years, even decades, if you can snag the right one. If you want to focus on other things in your life, tenanted commercial property allows you to do exactly that.

The Simple "Secret" Formula to £100,000+
Net Rental Income

So over the last 12 years I've learned a lot about what it takes to build a tenanted commercial property portfolio, that's low risk, low aggravation and generates a predictable net rental income every year.

I've dedicated over 10,000 hours, and thousands of pounds on professional advice to try and find the secret formula to find, research, analyse, and acquires tenanted commercial property that delivers a low risk, low aggravation predictable income stream.

And while I have learned a heck of a lot of things (more on that later) the biggest thing I have learned is this.

There's no secret to building a predictable tenanted commercial property portfolio.

It's just a matter of:


1. Finding tenanted commercial property that has demand


2. Checking the lease is full repairing and insuring


3. The Tenant's business is a good one


4. Repeating this for each tenanted commercial acquisition.

That's all it takes.


I personally guarantee that if you follow this 4-part formula, your life will change in ways you can’t imagine.

You’ll learn incredibly useful skills, you’ll make friends along the way with interesting people and you’ll start to generate a predictable passive income without the tenant hassles and legislation associated with residential property.

It seems simple in theory, but the execution is slightly more difficult.

Even though buying tenanted commercial property is a no-brainer, the process of buying one while managing risk is anything but.

If you look at any well-run business, and the franchise model really spells this out... companies such as McDonalds, Starbucks or Costa Coffee, etc.

Walk into any McDonalds, Starbucks or Costa across the UK and you'll get the same outcome.

This is because these companies have built "systems."

It's these systems that generate a consistent outcome for the customer, and predictable profits for the business, year on year!

When it comes to our investing, we also want to build systems.

Systems provide leverage.

Leverage is how you do more, without it costing you more time.

This is the "secret" to moving up a level with your investing - build systems.

Build a system to find tenanted commercial property.

Build a system to capture data points for tenanted commercial property.

Build a system to research, analyse and compare tenanted commercial properties.

Build a system to perform due diligence on the property, lease and tenant.

Build a system to generate predictable results based on data.

When you systematise your investing, you're able to maximise your time, while maximising your monetary returns and build a profitable tenanted commercial property portfolio that will last you a lifetime and leave a lasting legacy for your family.

Confidently Buy Your First Tenanted Commercial Property

In 8 Weeks

Without the Tenant Hassles, Maintenance & Repair Costs and Eroding Returns

I’m excited to give you the opportunity to join an exclusive 8-week tenanted commercial property training programme like nothing else available right now!  It starts with giving you access to everything you need to make the transformation from residential property, up-a-level into the world of tenanted commercial real estate.

You'll get instant access to all of the eight-week training sessions, where we deep dive into learning all about commercial property and making data-led investment buying decisions.  You'll get all your questions answered and the opportunity to submit your own deals for analysis with me.

By the end of the 8 weeks, you'll be able to make the shift from scared, to confidently buying tenanted commercial property, that achieve superior cash flow returns, with no aggravation and first class tenants.

If you're fed up with tenant hassles, the never ending maintenance and repair work, property managers (who love giving you problems and invoices to pay), the worry about constant legislation changes and the eroding profits from your BTL/HMO/SA portfolio, then this workshop is for you.

I've taken everything I've learned from buying multi-million pound tenanted commercial properties in the US and UK, and condensed it into a comprehensive step-by-step data-driven acquisition system.

What You'll Learn

What You'll Learn...

Week 1
  • The Road That Lays Ahead

  • Why Commercial Property

  • Ideal Commercial Property Types

  • What Drives Value

  • Asset Management Strategies

Why tenanted commercial property investing beats any other property investing strategy


Powerful asset management strategies to quickly improve value and cash flow without planning


The ideal tenanted commercial property types to target for low risk and low aggravation


How to crunch the numbers, get finance and make offers to achieve maximum returns


How to buy at auction, view and inspect tenanted commercial property


How to de-risk your purchase using my bespoke Audit Pro™ Toolkit professional due diligence system


How to deal with VAT at purchase, property valuations, capital allowances and business rates


How to manage them and turn them into truly passive investments

How to confidently buy your first tenanted commercial property within 8 weeks using a repeatable data-driven system, to achieve superior cash flow returns, with first class business tenants secured on long leases.

What You'll Get…

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The Goal

Buy 1st Tenanted

Commercial Property

Course Length

8 Weeks

Course Format


What is it?

UpLevel is an 8-week self-paced online workshop
with digital workbooks, cheat sheets, pdf guides and supporting material. You also get additional 1-on-1 deal analysis support via email and zoom calls direct with Stephen coupled with access to a a community of other successful property investors. The training uses data-led decision making to enable you to buy low risk, low aggravation, first class tenanted commercial property and avoid buying a dud.

Where Does It Happen?

The UpLevel workshop is all online and is available on demand. You can watch at your own pace again with no time constraints.

It consists of a recorded live training program delivered by Stephen with access to the Go / No-Go Deal Sheet, templates, workbooks, scripts and pdf cheat sheets.  Your deals analysed by Stephen until you buy your first tenanted commercial property and access to the UpLevel private member community area.

When Does It Start?

It starts instantly once you have joined and created your account. You'll get instant access to the 8-week tenanted commercial property workshop programme and supporting material.

Who's It For?

It's for absolute beginners who already have bought at least one BTL property.  But want to move up-a-level into tenanted commercial property and remove tenant hassles and the maintenance and repair costs, to achieve high cash flow returns from their future commercial investments.

How Does It Work?

You go through each session in the 8-week workshop starting with week 1. Complete the action items each week, follow the system step-by-step, use the provided tools, workbooks, templates and scripts. Ask questions in the membership area, submit your potential deals for analysis by Stephen and buy your first tenanted commercial property and start earning another income stream.

Why Does It Exist?

I created Property UpLevel as the current BTL/HMO/SA strategies deliver at best, inconsistent, but typically poor cash flow returns.  My mission is to help every UK landlord to understand the opportunity of a new way to BTL through tenanted commercial property to achieve superior cash flow returns with low risk and low aggravation, that's truly passive.

Lifetime access 

Deal Analysis w/Stephen

As we progress through the 8 weeks of training you will be able to ask questions as you progress and submit your own deals to be analysed 1-on-1 by Stephen until you buy your first tenanted commercial property. ​


There's no time limit imposed on you to buy a commercial investment property, so we can make sure you get the best deal possible and work within your time or budget constraints.  This level of direct acces to Stephen to review your deals is only available for a limited time.

Tenanted Commercial Property Audit Pro Toolkit™. This is your secret weapon that will weed out potential problems when everything would look good to less sophisticated investors! It includes a tenant questionnaire, seller questionnaire, agent property information request and a support manual.

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Property Investing Community - 12 months access, connect, grow and learn with like-minded property investors on the same journey.

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The true worth of the information is how it can help you make, or save, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of pounds, through leveraging a repeatable acquisition system, with the ideas, strategies and techniques discussed.

Property UpLevel

       The 8-Week Property UpLevel Workshop - 13+ hours of material teaching you everything I know about Tenanted Commercial Property, from getting started all the way through to securing your first deal with a first-class business tenant, generating consistent low risk, low aggravation rental income.

       AuditPro Toolkit - 6-piece due diligence toolkit formulated specifically for tenanted commercial properties.  Guides, checklists and questionnaires to assist you through the in-contract due diligence process.

🔑 Access to all the course material so that as your investing journey evolves, there’ll always be useful information and insights you can benefit from every step of the way.

      Tenanted Commercial A.C.Q.U.I.R.E System which includes workbooks, checklists, calculators, scripts, frameworks and templates to turn you into a sophisticated commercial property investor:


📒 Identify the right type of commercial property using the Deal Criteria Workbook.

🚦 Assess your deal using data through the RAG colour-coded Go / No-Go Deal Sheet.

🧠 Stay on top of your deals using the Deal Tracker so you can manage them from initial enquiry through to completion.

🎯 Understand what drives commercial property values and how to influence them using Asset Management Strategies.

💡 Gain clarity on all your numbers by using the Buying Budget Calculator.

🧭 Understand how to review and analyse Commercial Market Reports and plug the data into your own deal sheet.

📈 Easily perform and commercial property inspection using the Viewing Inspection Template so nothing gets missed.

☄️ Understand what to look for in a commercial lease and where to find key information using the Commercial Lease Checklist.

🔥 You'll also get access to all of Stephen's own commercial power team contacts such as commercial agents, surveyors, solicitors, accountants and finance brokers.

Don't Take Our Word For It

I recently completed the 5 weeks Tenanted Commercial Property workshop run by Stephen Duncombe and I must say it exceeded all my expectations. Having been a residential property investor for many years, I had little knowledge of commercial property. The course was well-structured with a 2 day seminar followed by weekly training sessions. Stephen was extremely knowledgeable and supportive, encouraging everyone to conduct deal assessments and providing invaluable support.  I particularly appreciated learning what to ask sellers, renters and commercial agents and learning Stephen’s methodology for making successful investments. Thanks to this training course, I feel more confident and equipped. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to expand their investment strategy into tenanted commercial property.

Pierre Roche

© 2025

Jacst Ltd is a company registered England and Wales (Company No. 13130527, VAT Number: 371781675)

Registered Office: 107 Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 1NW

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